天瓏成立于2005年6月,是一家創新型移動通信產品和服務供應商,致力于移動終端的研發、生產及銷售,為**通信產品消費者提供時尚化、個性化、充滿內涵且富有想象力的產品和服務。 Established in June 2005, Tinno Mobile Technology Corp. (called "Tinno Mobile" or "Tinno" for short) is an innovative provider on mobile communication products and services, dedicated to the R&D, manufacture and sales of mobile terminals, and it provides the global communication product consumers with fashionable, personalized, high content and imaginative products and services. 天瓏與多家國際的無線通信芯片企業和谷歌建立了緊密合作關系,具備基于底層芯片國內的一整套研發能力,包括軟件和硬件設計;天瓏移動還擁有亞洲的工業造型設計和結構設計實現的能力。 Tinno Mobile has engaged in deep and close cooperation with many international first-class wireless communication chip enterprises. Tinno Mobile has not only a set of R&D capacity based on chipset-base, including software and hardware, but also owns top-grade ability among Asian companies to implement industrial styling design and mechanical design. 天瓏與歐洲、南亞、東南亞、拉美等**近30個國家的當地一線民族品牌形成戰略合作。在2009年成功推出功能強大的全鍵盤社交聊天手機系列,并榮獲MTK公司授予**唯一的“年度技術創新獎”。近幾年公司不斷推出時尚動感的優質Android智能手機產品和市場推廣方案,如3D視像、全金屬設計和超薄機身設計,每每都能引發**各地客戶國家的銷售熱潮。伴隨著一個又一個喜人的熱潮,公司的業績也在穩健地增長。 Tinno Mobile has established strategic partnership with many “Local Kings”(Top Local Brands) in more than 30 nations in South Asia, Southeast Asia, Latin America and Europe, etc. In 2009, Tinno Mobile successfully launched qwerty series products with powerful function; The company also won a global exclusive honor of “Annual Technology Innovation Award” by MTK. In recent years, Tinno has released stylish and dynamic excellent-quality products and market promotion solutions unceasingly, which always exploded sales spree in their customer’s nations all over the world. Along with the satisfactory boom one after another, Tinno Mobile’s performance is doubled and redoubled steadily.Based on Google's Android smart phone platform software which Tinno started to use in 2010, Tinno Mobile developed a series of smart phones later. “創新”是天瓏DNA,也是天瓏移動不斷發展的根本。天瓏在2006年成功推出**首款雙卡雙待GSM手機(持有專利)之后堅定地追求持續創新,2015年榮獲國家技術獎二等獎。目前天瓏移動已經在產品研發設計,信息化系統,管理模式和業務模式等四個方面大膽創新,形成了天瓏移動多維度的核心競爭力。此外,還培養了一支穩定團結、精誠協作和不斷超越的人員隊伍。目前員工人數逾千人,擁有專業背景的研發技術人員達到50%,管理層都擁有十年以上的通信行業經驗和具有知名企業的工作經驗。"Innovation" is Tinno’s DNA, as well as the fundamentality of its continuous development. Tinno has unswervingly pursued sustaining innovation since it successfully brought out GSM dual-SIM dual standby mobile phones (with patent). At present, with adventurous innovation on R&D and design of products, informationization system, administrative mode and business mode, Tinno has shaped multi-dimensional core competitiveness. Moreover, it also brought up a stable and united team who insists on sincere cooperation and self-transcendence. Currently, Tinno has over 1000 employees, over 50% of whom are R&D staff with professional background while most of managerial staff are well equipped with over 10 years experience in the field, and have worked in many well-known enterprises. 未來,天瓏將繼續秉承“使命必達、創新、快速、廉潔、共享”的企業經營理念,逐步成為**且令人尊敬的移動通信產品和服務供應商。 In the future, Tinno will continue to uphold the "Mission must be accomplished, Innovation, Fast, Combat corruption and be clean and honest, Sharing" business philosophy and gradually become a global leading and admirable provider of mobile communication products and services.