重瑞投資是一家新興的金融投資機構。 重瑞投資專注于發現與捕捉市場機會,通過一系列的投資策略,為投資者創造持續的高回報。 我們通過數學及統計學的模型形成量化的策略,通過持續的研究及先進的技術利用程序化投資在市場上獲取回報。 我們的核心理念是不斷追求卓越,我們的團隊擁有專注于這個領域的各類人才,我們專注并且不斷前行! 上海重瑞投資管理有限公司成立于2014年9月,是中國專業的程序化投資私募資產管理機構,及中國證券投資基金業協會登記的私募投資基金管理人,是獲準從事私募證券投資、股權投資等私募基金投資管理業務的金融機構。重瑞投資秉承先進管理理念,參照國際資產管理機構的管理模式,結合中國市場實際情況建立完善的風險管理制度,并制定了完備的投資和交易流程,在大程度上保證了投資操作的嚴謹、和專業。Dopoints Investment is an emerging investor in the financial markets.In markets, we work relentlessly to uncover and capture new opportunities. Across a diverse range of investment strategies, we deploy our capital with the goal of generating consistently high risk-adjusted investment results for our investors and capital partners.Quantitative Strategies applies mathematical and statistical models to the financial markets, combining rigorous research and advanced technology to identify and execute on investment opportunities.At our core, Dopoints is built to deliver excellence. We have some of the most talented and focused minds in the industry, and we activate their ideas and strategies through a robust range of proven technologies and execution capabilities.We’re always focused on what’s next and on moving forward. We never settle.公司網址:www.dopoints/