TalentLink is a professionalconsulting firm, providing talents searching service and HR managementconsulting for global manufacturing entities based in China. Our clients are focusedon automotive, medical and polymer industries. We are devoted to seek theprofessional employees for our clients to match their specificrequirements. 蘇州智領管理咨詢有限公司(TalentLink Suzhou)是一家專業為外資制造業企業提供人才推薦和人力資源管理咨詢的機構。我們的客戶主要集中于汽車、醫療和高分子工業行業。我們致力于為我們的客戶招聘到符合客戶要求的候選人。 TalentLink have comprehensive trainingand development system for employees, including talent searching, interview andassessment, business etiquette, communication skills, system operation, etc. Wemake personality assessment and career planning for employees. And provide correspondingcareer development channel according to employees’ advantages and interests.我們擁有全面系統的員工培訓發展體系,包括人才搜索、面試評估、商務禮儀、溝通技巧、系統操作等方面。 我們為員工提供綜合的技能個性測評和職業規劃,根據員工的優勢和興趣提供相應的職業發展通道。 We have nice and comfortable office environmentwith convenient location. Our office is located in Singa Plaza, Jinjihu Road,SIP, Suzhou. Working time is 9:00AM-6:00PM Monday to Friday. 我們擁有專業舒適的辦公環境,而且地點非常便利。 辦公地點位于蘇州工業園區金雞湖路馨都廣場1A寫字樓。工作時間是周一到周五9:00AM - 6:00PM. Welcome to our TalentLink Family! Bringyour passion and effort. Let’s work together to achieve our dreams.歡迎加入我們蘇州智領團隊!帶著你的熱情,帶著你的努力,讓我們一起努力實現我我們的夢想!