Company Description: Shenzhen Wichita Technology is the sole representative office of Vornado Air, LLC in Asia. Established in 1945, Vornado is the leading brand of air comfort and steam products in the USA and global markets. Product lines range from air circulators, whole room fan heaters, air purifiers, humidifiers, steam garment and steam cleaning products under the brands of VORNADO and STEAMFAST. Visit company headquarters website at www.vornado for overview of some products. As a premium brand, quality is the critical heart of Vornado and it is the core function of Shenzhen Wichita Technology to ensure all products are developed, built and shipped with premium quality.公司簡介:深圳市威騏達美科技有限公司是Vornado Air, LLC亞洲獨家代表辦公室。Vornado Air, LLC成立于1945年。在美國和**市場VORNADO是一個專業設計和制造空氣循環和蒸汽式產品的品牌。VORNADO和STEAMFAST兩大品牌旗下,產品系列包含空氣循環扇,全室暖風機,空氣凈化器,加濕機,掛燙機和蒸汽式清潔機。若要了解更多產品信息,請上我們公司總部網站www.vornado. 作為品牌,品質是VORNADO非常重要的核心力量,也是深圳市威騏達美科技有限公司主要功能之一,即保障所有產品以高品質的要求開發,生產和出貨。