海卓泰克風能是風機行業設計并生產液壓和冷卻系統的市場領導者,在風機行業中處于市場領導地位。我們為液壓變槳系統,液壓剎車系統,冷卻系統,轉子鎖,以及艙蓋打開系統提供可靠的零部件已有超過30年的歷史。我們有著三十多年的經驗,我們的客戶知道,我們值得信賴。海卓泰克風能是海卓泰克工業的子公司. 公司總部位于丹麥, 海卓泰克工業致力于開發, 設計并生產風機行業的液壓和冷卻系統,沿海,海上和工業領域的液壓油缸 。此外,公司還為這些行業提供售后和維修服務。海卓泰克工業在丹麥,美國,中國和印度有生產基地。Hydratech Industries Wind Power is a market leader in design and manufacturing of hydraulic andcooling solutions to the wind turbine industry. We supply reliable components for pitch hydraulics,hydraulic braking and cooling solutions, rotor locks, and hatch opening systems and with more than30 years of experience, our customers know they can rely on us.Hydratech Industries Wind Power is a part of Hydratech Industries. Based in Denmark, HydratechIndustries specializes in developing, designing and manufacturing hydraulics and cooling solutionsfor the wind turbine industry, and hydraulic cylinders for offshore, marine and industrial applications.In addition, the company provides service and repair for these industries.Hydratech Industries has production facilities in Denmark, USA, China and India.