Oclaro, Inc. (Nasdaq: OCLR), is a leader in optical components, modules and subsystems for the core optical, enterprise and data center, and wireless access markets. Leveraging more than three decades of laser technology innovation, photonic integration, transceiver and subsystem design, Oclaro’s solutions are at the heart of the fast optical networks and high-speed interconnects driving the next wave of streaming video, cloud computing, voice over IP, SaaS and other high-speed and bandwidth-intensive applications.At Oclaro, we are investing our R&D where our technology innovation delivers real value and differentiation for the customers we serve. With our heritage of optical innovation we are leading in the very high speed segments of the optical communications market at 40G and above. These solutions are targeted at three distinct, large and growing markets: Core Optical Transport Network, Enterprise Networks and Data Centers and Wireless Access.Product PortfolioTunable and fixed lasers and transmittersLithium niobate modulatorsReceiversTransceiversTransponder modulesTo provide strong and localized customer support across the globe, we maintain R&D and product/sales support in Europe, Japan, U.S. and China. Our worldwide manufacturing operations leverage innovation and vertical integration to provide customers with flexibility and faster time to market. We combine in-house and outsourced manufacturing to maximize flexibility and customer support. We operate R&D and chip fabrication facilities in the U.S., U.K., Italy, and Japan; in-house and contract manufacturing sites in China, Malaysia and Thailand; and design, sales and service organizations in each of the major regions around the world. 奧蘭若(納斯達克股票代碼:OCLR)是一家為光網絡傳輸、企業數據中心和無線接入市場提供光纖器件、模塊和子系統的行業領導者,總部位于美國圣何塞。傳承了三十余載的光纖技術革新、光電集成、收發模塊系統設計經驗,作為光網絡和高速連接器的核心應用產品,奧蘭若產品解決方案推動了新一代流媒體、云計算、網絡電話、軟件服務及其他高速寬帶運用的快速發展。 我們的產品在光纖網絡中通過光電技術發送、放大、再生和接收信號數據。這些產品使我們的通訊和數據通信客戶網絡帶寬增加,延遲減少,并同時為他們的客戶帶來了更大的靈活性和成本效益。奧蘭若的產品包括: 可調固定激光器和信號傳輸器 鈮酸鋰調制器 接收器 收發器 為保證給**客戶提供堅實的技術支持和全面的客戶服務,我們的產品研發、銷售和生產分布在歐洲、美國、日本及中國多個國家。我們**化的制造模式和產品垂直整合策略給客戶提供了更靈活和更快速的服務。其中,生產制造結合了自主生產和外包兩種模式,分布在中國、馬來西亞及泰國;研發、芯片制造、銷售及客服則分布在美國、英國、意大利和日本。 作為奧蘭若在中國的全資子公司,奧蘭若科技(深圳)有限公司是規模大的自主生產基地,現位于深圳福田保稅區。公司成立于2004年,經過十年的不斷發展,深圳奧蘭若已經在中國光通訊行業奠定了堅實的技術和客戶基礎,華為、中興通訊、烽火科技等國內知名通訊設備廠商與我們建立了戰略供應商伙伴關系。 2014年,深圳奧蘭若成功戰略轉型,出售部分激光類產品業務,把公司的主要產品策略放到光網絡、集成光電兩大領域,更集中快速地服務于通訊網絡、云計算、無線接入等領域,因此總部正式確立深圳奧蘭若為**產品制造中心地位,開啟深圳奧蘭若新時代。 深圳奧蘭若正處于高速發展和擴張的階段,預計到2016年底深圳公司人數將翻倍,需要廣大的行業精英加入公司,與我們一起創造價值、引領行業技術革新。公司為員工提供以人為本的人文環境,讓員工能夠與公司共成長!