安吉思防爆技術(蘇州)有限公司是一家專業的防爆技術方案提供者。其工廠/辦公室位于中國江蘇省蘇州工業園區。Aegis (Suzhou) is a professional explosion-proof technology company / office units located in Suzhou industrial park , Jiangsu province ,China. 安吉思防爆技術(蘇州)的業務范圍是:防爆技術咨詢、防爆部件、防爆設備及機械設備的研發、設計、制造、安裝、銷售、租賃、安全檢驗并提供相關售后服務,包括以下內容:Aegis (Suzhou) is engaged in the design, manufacture, installation, testing, commissioning, sale, marketing, safety inspection, maintenance and repair of flame protection components and explosion-proof systems and as such undertakes the following activities:符合客戶和法規要求的防爆保護系統的設計、制造和安裝。Design, manufacture and installation of protection systems in accordance with customer and regulatory requirements.銷售和提供防爆柴油機和蓄電池驅動的移動搬運設備以及固定的防爆設備系統。The promotion of and supply of systems for the flame protection of Diesel and Electrical vehicles and Fixed Equipment;整個項目中所使用的部件的內部設計和制造。In-house design and manufacture of components used within the overall project符合商業和法規要求的認證協調。Coordination of certification activities according to commercial and regulatory requirements.其他安吉思系統或部件的銷售和供應The promotion and supply of other Aegis systems or components 安吉思提供的設備和系統的安全使用、服務和維護方面的培訓。Training in the safe use, servicing and maintenance of the equipment and systems supplied by Aegis.防爆設備和系統的服務、維護和審核。The servicing, maintenance and auditing of flame protection equipment and systems.安吉思(蘇州)的業務計劃:2015-2025的使命陳述,即“致力于實現可持續的防爆安全,成為您可靠的防爆安全合作伙伴”。 Aegis (Suzhou) adopts the Mission Statement from the Aegis Group Business Plan 2015-2025, that is “Committed to achieving sustainable explosion-proof safety and become your reliable explosion –proof partner.