Gymboree金寶貝,源自美國的兒童成長方式,專注于帶給**家庭360度的關愛,涵蓋早教課程、家庭教育、服飾穿戴和游戲玩樂。 過去的40年中,金寶貝始終用心了解孩子,教會爸爸媽媽如何讓孩子成為孩子,和孩子共同成長。1976年 在美麗的三藩市,兩個孩子的母親瓊?伯恩絲女士創立了**家Gymboree金寶貝早教中心,從此歡聲笑語不斷從這里傳出。每天,**有數萬戶家庭享受著Gymboree金寶貝的快樂育兒教學和貼心的童裝呵護。 Gymboree金寶貝始終用心了解孩子,教會爸爸媽媽們,如何讓孩子成為孩子,和孩子共同成長!Gymboree金寶貝為童年喝彩,期望父母和孩子一起享受有Gymboree陪伴的每一天。經過40年的變遷和發展,金寶貝已經發展成為兒童成長方式,涵蓋早教課程、家庭教育、服飾穿戴和游戲玩樂。至今,金寶貝在**已經開設700多家早教中心,逾1000家童裝門店,遍及**41個國家和地區。目前在全國開業超過200家中心,覆蓋130多個城市。每天,**有數萬個家庭正在享受金寶貝的快樂教學。金寶貝(中國)官網: www.gymboglobalGymboree, founded in 1976 in the USA,isthe global leader in early childhood development program. Based on its 40 yearsof research and experiment in the field, Gymboree helped families in 28countries and regions to learn and enjoy early childhood development throughmusic, art, and play. Everyday, over 300,000 families participate in earlychildhood development programs offered by Gymboree. More than 700 Gyboreecenters covering the Americas Europe, and Asiaoffer programs which systematically develop a 0-5 year-old child’s potentials,guide young parents to study their child’s growth, and understand the world ofinfants and children.Gymboree landed in China last year and so far we have established300 centers in China.Gymboree China will continueto expand its business in the coming years planning to establish a total of 8centers in Shanghai and up to 300centers in thewhole of China.Sign up to become a part of the Gymboree team today!