天津克萊蒙商貿有限公司??? 天津克萊蒙商貿有限公司是北京錦蝶投資公司旗下的全資子公司,為中國大陸天津及河北地區克萊蒙定制刺繡藝術品的唯一市場服務商。??? 克萊蒙定制刺繡為西方陳設藝術的一線品牌,歷經了Burns與Williams兩個家族的六代傳承,至今已經延續了139年的歷史,現為英國皇家藝術協會測評委員會終生會員單位,英國三代皇室御用藝術品指定供應商。經歐洲11位工藝藝術大師精準定位藝術品市場,獨創的21種刺繡技法將人物肖像、實景照片、中外知名畫作、現代抽象圖案及客戶個性化的定制要求均表現的栩栩如生。在歐洲藝術品市場享有極高的品牌美譽度。該家族傳承品牌于2002年被英國大型物業零售上市公司哈默森公司收購(HAMMERSON PLC),由此進入快速**市場拓展階段。??? 錦蝶投資公司自2011年始,作為國內唯一長期代理商,以京滬為核心,快速將該藝術品推向內陸市場。經過五年的品牌運營,已成為萬豪中國酒店集團、喜達屋中國酒店集團、洲際中國酒店集團;東易日盛家裝集團、尚層裝飾有限公司、星杰家裝集團;勞斯萊斯、邁巴赫、法拉利;渣打銀行、招商銀行、花旗銀行;中車股份、華為投資、南方航空、玖龍紙業、中國保利、平安保險等企業指定供應商、合作商。因技術的唯一性及團隊的不懈努力,全國營業額年度平均增長81%。克萊蒙品牌于2014年開始入駐各城市奢侈品賣場,并不斷拓展分銷渠道,如您氣質優雅,藝術感強,富有責任心與工作激情,那請與公司一起開啟的藝術旅程。ClemonReverse Shuttle Silk Customized EmbroideryTechnical uniqueness: Clemon Reverse Shuttle Silk Embroidery Companyis the only technical service provider of this product in the world, and nolike artwork has been found so far.Workmanship precision: Each work uses silk threads of over 71colors, all silk threads are produced by Milan, which are pure silk of 70%color, and the annual output does not exceed 1000 knits.Finished product fineness: The finished artwork is lifelike, with asimulation degree higher than that of oil painting by 25 color aberration.Feeling like silk and with scattered layers, it is the representative of theembroidery at the highest level in the world at present.Distance with the masses: Although the craft is outstanding, most ofthe people surely will view it with despair due to its price. As for marketconsumption positioning, this product only serves a very few people.Historical reputation: After accumulation of hundreds of years, itintegrates with modern new technical craft while reserving the pure Englishcraft to make the brand value constantly continued and inherited. Cultural inclusiveness: The work utilizing traditional western oilpainting element craft matches with accessories conforming to eastern aesthetictaste, which combines the East and the West and absorbs anything andeverything.Myriad of nobleness: Luxurious world, perfect life. This artworkintegrates with and complements self-actualization achieved by you in thesociety and industry.Charm of fashion: Placing this artwork in your office or house oryour customer’s residence surely will present a new appearance to the massesand manifest your distinctive temperament.