??RKW 集團是起源于德國獨資的家族產業,也是**化先進的薄膜改善制造商。RKW 作為工業衛生和農業薄膜的制造企業,致力于為飲料產業和包裝行業提供優質的薄膜產品。此外,公司立足于提供醫療衛生行業需求的薄膜與無紡布產品,產品供應范圍同時也推廣至化工與建筑行業。RKW的可持續薄膜方案將幫助客戶改善全世界消費者日常生活質量。 在2015財年,RKW 集團的產品總銷售額達9.53億歐元,集團約3000名員工在**20多個區域產出塑膠材料高達405,000噸。正如我們的集團標語“當卓越呈現時”所言,我們是一家成立于1957年的企業,持續地為客戶提供質量的產品和優質的服務,尊重和可靠是RKW的核心價值觀和企業實現成功的基礎。廣州愛科琪盛塑料有限公司成立于2014年04月,是RKW集團在中國的獨資企業,也是世界500強企業的戰略合作伙伴,公司引進**先進高速柔版印刷和吹膜生產線,以的生產技術為各界客戶提供優質的產品。其中,公司主要生產的高度透氣薄膜,為世界級衛生醫療產品制造商提供安全、環保、優質的塑膠材料。The RKW-Group is a globally-active company thatmanufactures films and nonwovens. Since its founding in 1957, the family-ownedand operated company has made a name for itself with its high quality andinnovative products. Around 3,000 employees in 23 locations set high standardsin quality, innovation, and customer service and ensure that the Group willcontinue to occupy a leading position in the European plastics industry formany years to come.Established in April, 2014, RKW Guangzhou CompanyLimited is the individual proprietorship of RKW group with the main productionof super breathing film provided to hygienic and medical productsmanufacturers. With RKW GZ’s introduction of the most advanced flexographicprinting line and the latest version of extrusion line for blown films, togetherwith the highest technical guidance, it guarantees to offer clients fromdifferent walks of life products of the highest quality.