關于 ZHHS 深圳市中海恒升科技有限公司是一家集計算機軟件營銷、服務及系統集成為一體的專業性軟件公司。憑借在信息技術產業的綜合優勢,中海恒升科技成為Siemens、Oracle、Microsoft、SAP等**領導者的合作伙伴。目前,我們已經分別在深圳、武漢、長沙、蘇州、重慶等地設立辦事機構,服務國內各大中型企業。 深圳市中海恒升科技有限公司(英文表示ZHHS)為致力提升企業競爭力的制造型企業及經理人打造一個綜合的技術服務平臺。由于我們對于設計制造一體化、客戶化及標準化的深刻認識,我們愿與客戶結為伙伴,提升產品研發生產速度,幫助企業建立強大的產品研發體系,促進制造企業技術轉型,提高運營效率、降低復雜度,從而幫助制造企業加快產品上市時間并讓人從容不迫。 About ZHHS Shenzhen Zhonghai Hengsheng Technology CO., LTD (ZHHS) is a professional software company majored in computer software sale, service and system integration. With our leading comprehensive advantages in IT industry, we are now senior partner of many global leaders in this industry field such as Siemens、Oracle、Microsoft、SAP. At present, we have branch offices in Shenzhen, Wuhan, Changsha, Suzhou, Chongqing and other places, servicing many large and medium-sized enterprises in China. ZHHS is committed to enhancing the competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises and managers to create an integrated technology service platform. As the profound understanding in design and manufacture integration, customization and standardization, we would like to be strategy partner with customers to improve product R&D speed, to help companies establish a strong R&D system, to promote the technical transformation of manufacturing enterprises, to improve operational efficiency and reduce complexity, to help manufacturers accelerate time to market. 聚集領域 >> **制造業工業軟件技術方案 >> 客戶化與咨詢服務 >> 設計與制造流程自動化公司主頁:www.zhonghaihs公司地址:深圳市龍崗區龍翔大道繽紛世紀公寓B座11層D