VillaLifestyles?睿享生活館由北京睿博美佳商貿有限公司建立于2006年。VillaLifestyles睿享生活館主打生活良品,并在世界范圍內臻選優質品牌引進中國。旗下涵蓋源自瑞士的高新智能空氣凈化器品牌Aeris,用專業的凈化技術與超前的設計理念拓寬科技和美的邊界;加拿大專業空氣凈化品牌Amaircare的系列BreezeEasy,整機原裝進口讓您輕松享有北美純凈空氣;美國研發N99級別防霾口罩威隔口罩Vogmask,用時尚態度對抗霧霾侵擾;以及美國經典Weber威焙燜烤爐,開創燜烤新概念。?VillaLifestyles ? farce enjoy life hall by Beijing farce trying better trade co., LTD., established in 2006. VillaLifestyles enjoy life owner dozen high-end fine products, and around the world by choosing high quality brand into China. Its cover from Swiss high-tech intelligent air purifier brand Aeris, purification of with professional technology and advanced design concepts to broaden and boundary of beauty of science and technology, Canadian professional air purification brand Amaircare BreezeEasy high-end series, the machine imported from allowing you to easily enjoy the pure air of North America; American research N99 level against the haze masks masks Vogmask isolation, use fashion attitude against haze intrusion; The classic and Weber braised oven roasting, create a like new