坐落于瑞士日內瓦的Stromasys S.A.公司專注于通過虛擬技術、移植及系統升級來延續關鍵性商業應用軟件的生命周期。Stromasys專注于虛擬化Alpha, VAX, PDP-11, SPARC系統。使用我們的虛擬硬件系統,在Linux上可以運行所有那些平臺上的軟件,而不需源代碼轉化,或對代碼進行修改。Stromasys源于對惠普/康柏(前稱為Digital Equipment Corporation)軟件工程中心的管理層收購。這個中心由說英語的軟件做成,原為Digital在西歐的分支機構,為大型跨國客戶的項目提供高質量且低成本的軟件移植服務。===============================================Corporate ProfileStromasys SA?in?Geneva,?Switzerland?specializes in extending the life cycle of key and business critical software applications through virtualization, migration and system enhancement.Stromasys?provides high quality and quick response software engineering services for clients worldwide. With business operations designed around the Internet to pool its centers and regional resources, coordinated through its?Geneva?head office, very competitive services can be offered at short notice.Stromasys?concentrates on:Virtualization of?SPARC,?PDP-11,?VAX?and?Alpha?systems. With our virtualized hardware, all software on those platforms can run unmodified on Windows without requiring source code, conversion or code modification.The?migration?of applications from older platforms to new and modern platforms and operating systems on a very competitive, fixed price & garanteed delivery schedule.The establishment and management of?'Extended Workbench' teams?for specific customers.Stromasys?also provides senior information technology (IT) consultants for short-term on-site projects.Stromasys?is a management buyout of a HP/Compaq (formerly Digital Equipment Corporation) software engineering center. Staffed with English speaking software specialists, this center provided high-quality and low-cost software migration services for Digital's Western European subsidiaries, typically projects for large multinational clients.www.stromasys/