上海羅西企業管理咨詢有限公司,是一支專注于旅游行業的人才服務團隊,我們的業務領域涉及國際酒店、OTA、及商業地產行業。我們以專業的知識能力和職業操守,不遺余力的尋求雇主與候選人之間的佳契合。秉承信任和保密的原則,為我們的客戶提供適合的優質人才。Ro&Ci Executive Search, a premier provider of executive search services in leisure and hospitality industries. We actively define the standard of executive search consulting to meet our client’s needs for the highest level of expertise, quality and insight greatly demanded in today’s competitive hospitality and leisure industries. Our specialist approach enables us to fully understand Client’s requirements and identify relevant candidates quickly and accurately.Web:www.rocier/