企業介紹:DayDayUp是連接中外創新者的商務社區,致力于幫助中國企業“了解世界、探索世界”,也幫助外國企業對接中國資本開拓中國市場,快速融入本地化的商業環境。DayDayUp將用社區化的運營方式,以遍布**的創新空間為載體,實現**、可靠的商業創新連接。通過對接中外的大企業、創新項目及投資人資源,建立**創新生態圈。我們不僅可以幫助的創新項目更快成長,更加速了科技發展的進程。DayDayUp is a business community that connects Chinese and global innovators. We are dedicated to help Chinese companies understand and explore the world of international business, and at the same time, assist foreign companies to expand in China.We help to ease the transition into new markets, integrating the company into localized business contexts. Using community-based operations and innovative spaces globally as a carrier, DayDayUp aims to spread efficient and reliable business interactions amongst innovators. By connecting MNCs, innovative startups and investor resources, we create anecosystem of global innovations. This way, we not only help excellent startups grow, we also help to accelerate the procedure of the technology and science development.F:?https://www.facebook/VoiceOfDayDayUp?L:?https://www.linkedin/company/daydayupW:?www.dduwork