mostunforgettable flavor. U-win juice has been recommended as the safest NFC juicein America. (Ref. FDA, GMP and HACCP sampling check) 基本簡介: 上海優蘊國際貿易有限公司隸屬于美國優蘊國際健康飲品有限公司(US U- Win International Healthy Drink Co., Ltd.)。Shanghai U-win International Trade Co., Ltd. is thesubsidiary corporation of US U-win International Healthy Drink Co., Ltd.美國優蘊國際健康飲品有限公司,是一家擁有100多年歷史的企業,其研發總部位于美國加州。為恪守百年來所堅持的“品質與健康”,一直由經驗豐富的果農秉承傳統工藝,人工甄選新鮮健康果成熟果實,以確保品質的無瑕。優蘊沿襲著創始人安吉洛.利貝茲先生百年傳承的“F”方的神秘配方,融合四種橙子配制出美味可口的鮮榨橙汁,鮮香柔和,入口醇甜,口感層次分明,在美國FDA、GMP及HACCP等歷次嚴格抽檢中,美國優蘊系列產品均被推薦為美國安全的NFC果汁之一。US U-win International Healthy Drink Co. Ltd. wasestablished a century ago with the R&D quarter located in California, USA.Till today we insist on the traditional handpicked process to assure thequality of fruit. Meanwhile we persist in Angelo Ribezzi’s, the founder ofU-win, mysterious formula mixing various citrus to get the2015年,美國優蘊國際健康飲品有限公司,投資1000萬美元,在中國上海成立了上海優蘊國際貿易有限公司,并授權上海優蘊國際貿易有限公司對其產品進行亞太地區的銷售與推廣。全部產品選用優蘊**各大優質果園基地中新鮮健康成熟的果實作為原料,并按照國際標準無菌流水線在優蘊泰國工廠進行生產灌裝,為**客戶提供“品質與健康”的NFC系列純鮮鮮榨果汁。In 2015, US U-Win (US U-Win International Healthy DrinkCo.,Ltd.) has set up the Shanghai U-Win International Trade Co., Ltd. in Chinawith 10 million dollars. Shanghai U-Win has been authorized to sell and promoteits high-end productions in Asia-Pacific. In order to provide the pure freshNFC juice collection for exceptional clients worldwide, U-Win chooses thefreshest and healthiest mature fruits which picked up from several U-Win globalhigh-quality orchards as the raw material of productions. In addition, theproductions filling by U-Win Thailand factory on the basis of Internationalstandards.