我們是做什么的卓越外包(Excel Outsource Services,Inc 以下簡稱EOS)由美國C&M全資控股,是一家總部位于紐約,從事金融服務業務外包服務的美國獨資企業。成立于2004年,我們致力于為美國保險金融機構提供完整創新的流程外包解決方案。幫助客戶在運營過程中提升盈利能力和增強競爭優勢,同時為我們員工創造自我展示的平臺,提升個人價值。 經過十多年的不懈努力,我們已經擁有一支具有專業性和責任感的**團隊。為了能不斷提升團隊的個人及專業素養,我們與美國的一些語言及行業專業培訓機構合作并開發出一套完善的培訓體系。通過系統的培訓,我們的團隊總是可以帶給客戶超乎想象的服務。 因業務發展的需要,我們決定于2014年12月在浙江省嘉興市余新縣成立我們在中國大陸地區的第三家外包中心。也希望能吸引江浙滬的莘莘學子加入我們的團隊,共同打造我們的明天。我們的企業文化· 學習型組織,注重員工個人及專業素養的提升。· 扁平化的層級觀念,省去一切官僚主義思想,讓員工可以更好的專注在提高自身業務水平上。 · 強調團隊協作· 注重效率,拒絕拖延,拒絕加班我們的商業模式· EOS美國營銷部門簽訂新客戶,幫助客戶制定計劃,準備將數據業務處理業務交付給EOS中國團隊?!?EOS中國團隊為客戶量身定做一套外包解決方案,并開始接手相關數據處理業務?!?EOS中國員工遠程接入到美國客戶的電腦系統中用英文為客戶處理數據業務?!?美國客戶的員工可以將更多的時間和精力投入到主動銷售工作中,不斷提高客戶的盈利能力。工作描述· 根據既定工作流程和質量標準,在規定時間內,完成數據錄入,分析,報表等相關任務· 以簡明專業的風格與客戶進行郵件往來我們需要怎樣的您· 大學本科畢業或更高學歷· 英語水平:CET6或TEM4· 熟練操作Window界面及Office辦公軟件· 注重細節· 強烈團隊合作精神Excel Outsource Services, Inc. (EOS) is an experienced provider of outsourcing services for the US insurance industry. Our first service center is founded in May 2004 by US insurance wholesale professionals, who have rich experience working with insurance companies & agencies and profound insight in the insurance industry. Our mission is to provide our client with integrated & innovative process outsourcing solutions. Over the years, we have developed a high-performing team with strong industry knowledge as well as sense of responsibility to our clients. To ensure our employee professional and personal growth, we have worked with a few US language training & insurance professional educational service providers and developed a complete set of training program, which enables our employees to provide the services exceeding our clients’ expectations.Now, we are opening our 3rd China service center in Jiaxing City of Zhejiang Province and we would like to welcome you to join & grow with our EOS family. We are now hiring Junior Customer Service Representatives for all three offices. Primary Job Description:? Process tasks related to data entry, analysis and reporting according to established procedures with minimal supervision ? Operate client systems to meet business needs, including quality, quantity, and timeliness standards ? Communicate with clients in English via emails in a clear, professional and well organized wayJob Requirement:? College Degree or Above? CET6 or TEM4 or Above? Good at Windows and MS Office? Detail-oriented? Strong Team Spirit and Interpersonal Skills