??公司簡介:?深圳君創聯合商貿有限公司是一家的大宗商品國際貿易商。業務范圍包含大宗商品交易,市場信息咨詢服務以及供應鏈金融解決方案。主要交易產品包含精煉金屬、煤炭、鐵礦石、液體石油、化工品以及農產品等大宗商品。深圳君創致力于打造一支國際化、專業化的精英團隊,現誠邀您的加入,共同面對業務上的挑戰和機遇,齊心協力邁向成功!?Shenzhen JUN CHUANG UNIOn Trade and Business Co.,Ltd is an independent internationalcommodities trading firm. The business scope includes commodity trading, marketinformation consulting services and supply chain finance solutions. Mainproducts include refined metals, coal, iron ore, liquid petroleum, chemicalsand agricultural products and other commodities. Shenzhen JUN CHUANG iscommitted to build an internationalized and professional elite team, now wesincerely invite you to join us, Facing the challenges and opportunities that become successful.??公司實施扁平化管理,避免等級式管理的“層次重疊、冗員多、組織機構運轉效率低下”等的弊端,旨在加快信息流的速率,提高決策效率,精煉管理層次。?Flat management company, avoid thehierarchical management of "levels of overlap, redundancy, loworganizational efficiency" and other abuse, aimed at accelerating the rateat which information flows, improve the efficiency of decision making, refininglayers of management.