About us關于我們:Miracle Time Academy (MTA) has been in operation and inspired by Montessori and Reggio Emilia philosophy, We are the provider of high quality early childhood education and care for children and families. The focus of MTA is to prepare an environment for children (newborn-6 years old) to create, explore and experience the joy of learning. They are living in the age mixed classrooms of daycare programs. Children get more attention from professional teachers in the classroom with small groups. For many children this will be their first time away from home and they need to feel secure in their new surroundings. Miracle Time Academy (MTA) is filled with interesting Learning materials, resources and high-quality equipment that encourages exploration and promotes your child’s physical, leadership, language, social, emotional and cognitive development. We value open and honest communication and recognize its importance when working with parents to support each child’s learning, This is our whole-child education which support the deeply personalized Learning. 美湯姆國際兒童之家是在蒙臺梭利和瑞吉歐國際幼教理念指導下創立和運營的國際幼教機構,致力于為新生兒至6歲兒童提供國際化高品質保育日托服務、早教課程服務和家庭教育解決方案,學校精心準備室內外環境,讓孩子們在富有創意、探索性、多元文化的教育環境中充分體驗,快樂生活,自然成長。我們采用小班化混齡教育方式,各年齡階段的兒童將會得到更多的關注和培養,讓初次離開家人到這里生活的兒童更加容易獲得安全感和適齡性發展。美湯姆國際兒童之家在充滿關愛和鼓勵的環境里為兒童準備了豐富的教玩具和生活化、游戲化課程方案,促進兒童體能、社交、語言、情商、領導力和認知能力的全面發展。我們非常重視與家長開放真誠的溝通,這不僅有利于兒童的學習和發展,也促進家長和學校的共同進步,這也是我們美湯姆家園共育培養完整兒童的重要部分。 Our Vision我們愿景:We aim to provide high-quality early childhood education through outstanding early education programs and environment that empower children with solid bases of knowledge skills and leadership to achieve future success in a global environment. Through these goals and beliefs, we can help children build a strong foundation for their bright future.美湯姆國際兒童之家的目標:以兒童為中心,尊重兒童、跟隨兒童、發展兒童!通過高品質的保教方案為兒童精彩的未來奠定人生基礎!