北京環鷹時代文化傳媒有限公司,簡稱環鷹時代(HY MEDIA),是一家集影視投資、制作、宣發及娛樂商務營銷于一體的國際化影視傳媒公司。公司總部位于北京,自2014年成立至今已建立百余人專業團隊,參與國內外院線發行影視項目數十部,聯合出品發行的電影《東北往事之破馬張飛》票房過億,宣發全案的電影《忠愛無言》打造小成本電影黑馬,上座率及觀眾評分超越同檔期所有影片,獲得口碑票房雙豐收。同時也曾參與宣傳發行《大話西游3》《老炮》等電影項目。目前公司宣發團隊日益壯大,已在全國40余個票倉城市配備資深落地發行員,發行渠道覆蓋院線、數字電視、視頻網站、移動互聯網等全媒體終端,院線公關及落地執行能力業內。2016年,環鷹時代在美國洛杉磯設立分公司,與好萊塢影視公司積極洽談項目合作。現已成功引進國際制作影片兩百余部。2018年將主導兩部好萊塢一線藝人參演的影片《深海越獄》《真相漩渦》在國內院線上映。其他影片囊括戛納、東京、柏林等A類國際電影節影片。公司在娛樂營銷方面與農夫山泉、海信電視、思念食品、月如意等多家品牌保持深度合作,2017年合力打造《我的前半生》、《人間至味是清歡》,《春風十里不如你》等多款影視植入爆款案例。Beijing HY Media Co. Ltd, shortened to HY Media, is an international media company, which is professional in many fields including investment and production of movies and television drams, P&A and the film entertainment marketing .The company headquarter is located at Beijing. It has a professional team of more than 100 people and participated in over ten films in P&A since its established in 2014. The co-production and co-distribution of film, Once Upon a Time in the Northeast, has got over hundreds of millions in box office. Love Without Words, which is made on a low budget and distributed by HY Media totally ,has been a dark horse in film marketing. And its attendance rate and viewer’s rating overtake all films in the same movie theater schedule. Love Without Words wins a good reputation and box-office. HY Media also participated in the distribution of A Chinese Odyssey: Part Three, Mr. Six and other theatrical projects. Its distribution team is gaining more development and expansion. It has more than 100 industry’s senior distributors in over 40 main cities in China. The distribution channel includes theatrical, digital TV, Video Website, OTT, IPTV and other media terminal. The capacity of distribution and screening keep ahead in the field. HY Media set up a branch in Los Angeles, United Sates in 2016. Cooperate with several Hollywood film and television companies. It has successfully introduced more than two hundred international film productions, the films includes Cannes, Tokyo, Berlin and other Class A International companies in film and television productions. It will lead to distribute Black Water and Spinning Man that Hollywood’s leading artists participate in .HY Media cooperate with many famous brands, such as NongFu Spring, Hisense, Synear Food, Yue Ru Yi , etc. HY Media has been successfully implanted advertisements into The First Half of My Life, Love Actually, You Are Beautiful, More Than Spring and other TV drams.