MEAS傳感器獨資企業? ? MEAS傳感器是具有**業界技術的專業傳感器制造商,同時也是傳感器消費產品的專業提供者。從壓力,動力,動能到位移,角度,流量,距離,MEAS傳感器家族眾多的傳感器憑借其的科技技術在對物理量的精確測量中表現卓越。? ? MEAS傳感器(美國納斯達克上市:MEAS,公司的總部位于美國弗吉尼亞州,自成立以來,一直致力于研發和生產工業及消費傳感器,并為客戶提供個性化的傳感器或傳感器解決方案。MEAS傳感器家族擁有四大品牌 Schaevitz, ICSensors, Piezo Film 和μfused, 傳承了在廣泛的傳感器應用領域中的技術。? ? 1995年1月,MEAS傳感器極富戰略性的將其**的生產與研發中心設在了中國,成立了其獨資公司——精量電子(深圳)有限公司(MEAS SENSORS (CHINA) LTD.),占地130, 000平方英尺的生產車間、工作空間,的生產設計制造及測試設備,的研發人員,生產人員、品質監管及銷售、財務人員,為MEAS**生產、研發、銷售以及未來的發展提供強大的資源基礎與動力。在中國,MEAS將以深圳為基地,建立面向亞洲的產品銷售網絡, 充分利用深圳的窗口作用和地理優勢,發揮國際管理經驗,加快本地化的進程,在具有巨大潛力的中國市場開創新的輝煌。? ? 現基于MEAS在中國的持續發展戰略和愿景規劃,我們真誠期望和有志于在傳感器行業發展的各類人才建立聯系,共創雙贏.精量電子有限公司愿以優厚的福利待遇、良好的工作環境、先進的生產設備及優良的產品熱忱歡迎具有高技術、高素質的管理人員和技術人員加盟!? ?MEAS Sensors is a leading designer and manufacturer of sensors and sensor-based consumer products. MEAS Sensors produce a wide variety of sensors that use advanced technologies to measure precise range of physical characteristics, including pressure, motion, force, displacement, angle, flow and distance.MEAS Sensors China, a wholly owned subsidiary of MEAS Sensors (trading as MEAS on NASDAQ) has been consistently committing itself to sensor technology researching & developing and customized innovative sensor solutions since established in January 1995 in Shenzhen, China. It boasts a modern 130,000 square foot design and manufacturing facility in burgeoning city of Shenzhen, China. We have a wide range of design, engineering, testing and manufacturing capabilities.? ?Today, our products is popular in European, American and Asian-Pacific areas, we are starting to focus on China market as well. We will concentrate on localization of international management, communication skills, international trading and financing, and excel in sensing technology at the most potential market of China.? ?Measurement Specialties Inc., based in U.S.A, is a leading manufacturing of sensors and sensor-based consumer products. To meet our growing business needs, our Shenzhen branch MEAS Sensors (China) is seeking high caliber candidates to fill the position.