山西裕鑫生物科技有限公司專業從事海洋湖泊藻類治理、河道原位修復、養殖水生態修復農業水田生物防護的的高新企業。由公司牽頭組織的“太湖藍藻分解攻關項目”“海洋滸苔生物處理項目”以及“水田青苔殺滅技術項目”已通過國家科技部863計劃 項目評審并得到國內的認定.由公司獨家研發生產的的“藍藻分解精”“特效車輪凈”“特效纖蟲凈”“亞硝克星”“亞硝凈”已通過水產部門鑒定大量投放市場
公司位于山西永濟高新產業區,專業從事海洋、淡水湖泊及養殖種植行業微藻和微生態技術的研究,是國家唯一一家以原生生物防控為研究對象,從事微藻防控、藍藻治理、原生動物防治的專業研究機構及生產廠家。 主打產品藍藻分解精 甲藻克星、顫藻克星、青苔殺手、青苔速滅、特效車輪凈、特效纖蟲凈、 輪蟲凈 、水蚤克星、枝橈凈 、指環克星、小瓜克星、亞硝克星 、亞硝凈上市3年,迅速用于水產行業,被成為“原生生物防控”、“水產養殖的保護神”
公司崇尚“科技是**生產力”,聘請 了多位海洋生物、環境工程、水產養殖等學科造詣深厚的、學者擔任公司技術顧問,與世界頂級微生物研發企業進行戰略合作,采用現代化的企業經營管理模 式,吸引了眾多技術工程師加盟,確保公司為廣大用戶提供的配套服務,有效解決廣大用戶在實際生產中遇到的疑難問題。
Believing “science and technology is the first productive force”, we hired several experts and scholars in microbial nutrition, drug pharmacology, aquaculture and other fields as the company’s technical advisers. Meanwhile, we built strategic cooperation with the world's top microbial research and development enterprise, adapt modern enterprise management mode, and recruit numerous outstanding aquaculture technology engineers to ensure that our company can provide first-class supporting services for our customers and effectively solve the difficulties the users meet in practical production.
Lvde Biotechnology is devoted to the development and promotion of high quality microbial products, holding the faith of creating a green and healthy aquaculture environment, adhering to the principle of honesty, integrity, morality. We are ready to support the aquaculture enterprises with a full range of high quality services, and to share a brand new healthy breeding mode with world-leading microbial technology, striving for a New Era of aquaculture field!