Founded in 1987 and based in Brussels Belgium, Eurofins Scientific has become an international group with over 150 laboratories worldwide employing about more than 8,000 staff and providing dedicated analytical services for variety of industries,like pharmaceutical, food, toys, softlines, environmental, industrial, electrical and consumer product industriesto various clients including governments.Eurofins has also become a public listed company for 10+ years reaching US$800 million in annual sales.With initial years of experience operating in Brussels, Eurofins has decided to accelerate its pace of investment inglobal to embrace great opportunities driven by strong economic growth as well as to satisfy growing needs of its international clients.In the past 20 year's quick development, Eurofins has formulated strong entrepreneurial culture supported by its people leadership philosophy. With such a leadership direction, we will build our teams in China in the similar way to attract talented people and to allow our people to grow with the company growth. website:product-testing.eurofins/歐陸集團是國際著名的檢測認證機構,在食品、藥品、環境、電子電器、工業機械和紡織品和玩具等諸多產品領域提供專業的檢測認證和技術支持服務。目前,歐陸集團的業務分支遍布世界30個國家,擁有超過150個實驗室,8,000多名員工。歐陸集團掌握逾25,000多種可靠的分析測試方法,可以提供生物物質及其制品的成分、純度、元素組成和原產地檢測的測試服務,同時還提供消費產品(電子電器、紡織品和玩具等)的安全和性能的檢測認證服務。網址(中國):product-testing.eurofins/ 2009年,Eurofins鎖定亞洲市場,在上海投資建立實驗室:歐陸檢測技術服務(上海)有限公司。歐陸上海獲得了CNAS認可, CPSC, CBTL, ZLS, CMA等國內外多項資質,及國家質檢總局頒發的進出口商品檢驗鑒定資質,主要從事電子電器、消費品、工業項目等檢測認證。經過近幾年的發展,隨著業務量不斷擴大,在2013年,歐陸檢測技術服務(上海)有限公司杭州分公司成立,位于杭州市濱江區濱安路1180號華業高科技產業園。于2013年底獲得CNAS證書,目前主要從事于紡織品、玩具檢測認證服務。歐陸集團在中國業務的迅猛發展,國際資質日趨完備,客戶認可度不斷提高,迅速奠定了歐陸集團在中國第三方檢驗檢測行業中的國際認證地位。如果您能成為我們的員工,我們將為您提供: - 優良的工作條件和環境 - 優厚的薪酬和福利待遇- 帶薪假期- 極具靈活性的個人職業發展空間- 穩定性高的行業加入歐陸,必將成為您正確的職業選擇!