杭州精日科技有限公司是一家專業從事電源類產品研發、生產、銷售、服務于一體的高新技術企業。由杭州亞探能源科技有限公司與杭州源谷電子有限公司共同出資組建。? ? ? 公司成立之初就確立了高技術、高品質、高精度、高可靠、多功能的產品策略,不惜花重資從國外引進行業內先進技術,并利用杭州亞探能源本身多年來從事航空航天電源產品研發的技術經驗與優勢,經過多年的研發與可靠性試驗認證,推出了多個系列的高品質直流測試電源,希望通過我們的努力給國內測試電源行業帶來超高性價比的產品從而提升國內企業的核心競爭力!Hangzhou King SunTechnology Co., Ltd. is a professional high-tech enterprise engaged in theresearch & development, production, sales and service of power supplyproducts. It was founded with co-raised funds from both Hangzhou Ater EnergyTechnology Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Yuangu Electronics Co., Ltd.The Company was established with the strategy of ?high-tech, high-quality, high precision, highreliability and multi-function products, without hesitation to put in heavycapital to introduce advanced technology in the industry from abroad. HangzhouAter energy had for years to engage in military aerospace power products withthe R & D technology experience and advantage. After many years of R &D and reliability getting reliability of power supply certification, thecompany launched a series of high-quality DC test power supply, hoping that ourefforts to the domestic test power supply industry will bring over the bestcost performance of high-end products so as to enhance the core competitive powerof domestic enterprise.