關于我們?哥大國藤(北京)教育科技有限責任公司(Lifedu Educational Technology Co., Ltd.),總部位于美國紐約,是哥倫比亞課程咨詢股份有限公司唯一授權的中國區業務總代理。致力于兒童學前教育工作。公司秉持著積極、全面、科學的課程設計理念,以提升兒童成長和培養幼兒教師為目的。 公司課程研發團隊由美國知名學前教育、 學者以及雙語教育工作者組成。以兒童興趣點出發設計專業幼兒課程來激發孩子的創造力, 讓孩子們在游戲中學習,成為活動的主人翁。北京分公司辦公室位于望京SOHO 寫字樓,辦公環境健康舒適,全樓配備 PM2.5 新風過濾系統。?Lifedu Educational Technology Co., Ltd, headquartered in New York, theUnited States, is a professional organization promoting high-quality earlychildhood education in China. Founded by Chinese and American experts in earlychildhood education at Columbia University in the City of New York, theenterprise is dedicated to bring active, holistic and scientific curriculum togreater China area, and to motivate children’s development, improve teachers’competence, and therefore improve the education quality in schools, familiesand communities. Lifedu is committed to supporting all who care for, educate,and work on behalf of young children by developing research-based earlychildhood curriculum, offering effective nation-wide professional developmentand delivering hands-on parenting education. With solid research-based teachingmethodologies, rich teaching experience and state-of-the-art curriculum, Lifedubelieves that it can provide the best consulting services to China-based earlychildhood education programs.公司詳情公司網站www.gedaguoteng.org公司總部Beijing公司類型教育機構公司規模11-50 人專注領域Early Childhood Education;Curriculum Consulting;Summer Camp