英諾森(Inossem)是能源和資源行業的咨詢和技術服務的提供商,幫助企業在行業領域內實現創新以提升經營績效;英諾森交付的服務幫助企業在其領域實現創新并創造價值。我們通過數字化解決方案探索,計劃并聚合行業需求、機會和信息數據;這些解決方案可以被部署在私有環境、公有云甚至移動設備上。英諾森致力于通過行業經驗的轉化為**各類公用事業行業、石油天然氣行業、化工和礦業行業的客戶服務。此外,英諾森的能力和客戶也涉及流程和離散制造,工程服務行業。英諾森擅長于使用標準SAP應用服務實施交付方法論幫助客戶基于SAP平臺和技術進行相關的企業級應用系統的實施。英諾森可以交付的解決方案非常的廣泛,例如ERP(企業資源計劃),BI(商務智能),PPM(項目群管理)SRM(供應商關系管理),CRM(客戶關系管理),E-Commerce(電子商務),SCM(供應鏈運營管理),LCAM(資產全生命周期管理),FCM(財務和資本管理)等。Inossem is a professional consulting service provider in Energy and Resources Industry. Our service help companies shape innovation in their industries and perform better. We identify, plan and orchestrate industry demand, opportunities and information with Digital Business Solutions. Whether deployed on premise, in cloud or on mobile terminals. Inossem demonstrates its industry know-how to serve customers of all sizes in Utilities, Oil Gas, Chemical and Mining clusters around globe. Meanwhile, with customers from Process and Discrete Manufacturing, Engineering Construction & Operation industry as well.Inossem adopts comprehensive SAP delivery methodology to fulfill business application implementation based on SAP platform and technology. Inossem has a wide range of solutions to offer, such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), BI (Business Intelligence), Supplier Relationship Management, Customer Relationship Management, E-Commerce, Supply Chain Operation & Management, Enterprise Asset Management, Project & Portfolio Management, Financial and Capital Management etc.