專業自主研發及生產高性能超低損耗穩幅穩相射頻同軸電纜、電纜組件等微波互連產品,頻率范圍可覆蓋DC-110GHz,采用精密創新生產工藝設備,擁有**同軸電纜技術研發團隊,在同軸電纜的生產工藝、材料應用上具有深厚認識。基于多錢豐富的行業生產及應用經驗,軍友射頻深刻理解客戶需求,堅持以顧客應用為導向,為各領域研發、生產高性能穩幅穩相射頻同軸電纜。? ? 致力打造國際,質量可靠的同軸電纜生產商,為國際國內的組件生產商及廣大民品企業服務。Professional independent research and development and production of high-performance ultra-low loss of stationary phase rf coaxial cables, cable assembly, such as microwave interconnect products, covering DC - 110 GHZ frequency range, the precision of innovation production process equipment, has the coaxial cable of the global leading technology research and development team, in the production process of coaxial cable, the materials has a profound understanding.Based on much money rich experience in the industry production and application, the friends of rf deep understanding of customer needs, adhere to the customer application as the guidance, research and development, production in the field of high-performance rf coaxial cable of the stability of the stationary phase.We are committed to building a world-class, reliable coaxial cable manufacturer, serving the international and domestic component manufacturers and the general military civilian products enterprise.