北京博德思科技有限公司,是一家專門從事鞋墊產品/足部護理產品的出口貿易企業。本公司成立于2003年1月8日,生產主要包括PU、GEL、硅膠、EVA、乳膠、皮革、軟木、磁鐵等材料的足部護理鞋墊、配件產品及鞋墊原料。我們通過選擇高質量原料、設計、開發與生產, 通過多種形式合作,已發展成為中國地區大的鞋墊業務銷售商之一。我們的產品范圍定位于專業的鞋墊和個人護理的市場領域。我們采用國內、外不同天然保健材料和專業鞋墊材料,包括PU、GEL、硅膠、EVA、乳膠、PE、軟木等。公司依照歐美流行的足部護理理念,結合了中國工廠的生產工藝,針對人體足部結構和健康特點,不斷推出足部護理鞋墊多達100余種,其中包括天然保健材料、進口的原料、國內高科技材料和時尚型鞋墊等產品,公司還陸續引進歐美高科技足部護理鞋墊開發技術,不斷改善生產工藝和技能。幾年來,公司不斷改進和提高,根據客戶要求的材質和工藝進行各類專業鞋墊外加工,主要是運動鞋墊、按摩鞋墊、除臭、防臭鞋墊、活性炭鞋墊、保健鞋墊、活動鞋墊、糖尿病鞋墊、矯正鞋墊等不同功能和要求的系列鞋墊,以滿足國外客戶的需求。對鞋墊產品的開發,注重產品品質的每一個微小的細節,客戶滿意,是我們公司的目標。Since foot care becomes an industry in china, BDAC still stands in the frontal of the field.Our concerns for innovation, quality, high-technology, high-quality material bring us to success year after year。 We carefully focus our energy to improve both our products and process through research and development which ultimately separate us from the competition,At present, we are specialized in insole production, including a wide range insole products made of different materials such as Gel, Foam, Silicon, Leather and Latex. In addition to foot care products, nowadays our product line covers both shoe materials and shoe accessories.With our ability of prompt time to market,we are currently expanding our business to health & body care products.Meanwhile, we carry out both OEM insole design and manufacturing of our products, ensuring the highest standards。Customers providing us with a sample or a 3D drawing can expect a replication of the highest standards。