拓銳機械(寧波)有限公司是瑞典TaluritAB 全資在華子公司,負責TALURIT產品在中國的咨詢、銷售和技術支持服務。Talurit AB公司成立于1948年,是索具機械壓接系統的倡導者, 產品以安全、**及經久耐用著稱,已成功成為業內著名的品牌之一。我們的主要產品有無縫鋁套(EN13411-3),壓套機、熔斷機、切斷機、卷(放)繩機、拉力測試設備及其他各種應用接頭等。TALURIT (Est. 1948) is privately owned and wasbuilt-up on a patented solution for mechanical splicing of wire ropes. We havecontinued to be a pioneering force within this industry, developing effectivemethods and equipment.Our company owns trademarks throughout theindustrialized world.We develop, manufacture, market and servicemechanical splicing systems for wire and wire rope fabricators. By offeringin-house design, development and manufacture, we possess a unique position inour market area. This is supported by a wide product range and extensivetechnical knowledge gained through years of experience and trust. Our serviceactivities are reinforced by the in-house know-how.The parent company is based in Gothenburg,Sweden. There are also subsidiaries near Singen, in Southern Germany and inBarnsley, United Kingdom and in Ningbo of China.We sell our products to a global market and haverepresentation in most industrializedcountries. We also have stock of our standardproducts strategically situated around the world to cut lead times and improveefficiency.Our company participates in standardizationworks in different countries. We are membersof branch organizations such as AWRF.Our aim is to achieve improved safety in thefield of mechanical wire rope splicing.www.talurit