美瑞博睡眠醫學中心是一家以美國睡眠醫學會標準建設與管理的全睡眠健康管理平臺,以客戶需求為核心,提供定制化睡眠健康管理服務。中心環境舒適,設備先進,醫療服務水平,致力于消除睡眠障礙、恢復健康狀態,讓每個人的生活因睡眠而更加美好。MEDIPERTSLEEP MEDICINE CENTER is a comprehensivesleep health management platform, it is constructed and managed by the AASM(American Academy of Sleep Medicine) standard. Adapting the leading medicaltechnologies and equipments, Medipert provides customized diagnosis andtreatment to clients, aiming to remove sleep disorders, improve sleep quality,and to fundamentally improve health conditions and life quality.美瑞博睡眠醫學中心以美國睡眠醫學會標準建設與管理,以世界睡眠醫學水平守護國人睡眠健康。MEDIPERT SLEEP MEDICINE CENTER is constructed and managed by the AASM(American Academy of Sleep Medicine) standard which is the world's top level of sleep medicine to protect the health ofpeople sleep 先進診療理念:以睡眠滋養生命,解決綜合健康問題Advanced treatment concept: Nourish the lifeby sleep and solve comprehensive health problems;數據精準醫療:量化睡眠質量,精準診斷并制定方案Precise medical data: Quantify the sleepquality and precisely diagnose and formulate the solution;**:美國睡眠醫學與國內多學科醫學團隊Global experts: Professors and experts insleep medicine from China and worldwide國際設備:選用**的“便捷、安全、**”的診療設備The world’s leading equipments: choose anduse the world’s leading ‘convenient, safe and efficient’ treatment equipments; 五星醫療服務:以五星級酒店環境及服務標準運營Five-star Medical Service: Five-starhotel environment and service standard. 以健康為使命Health as our Mission “讓更多人因睡眠而健康,讓生活因睡眠而美好,是美瑞博存在的意義。”‘MEDIPERTis dedicated to helping more people enjoy a health sleep and make life betterfor sleep. ——美瑞博睡眠醫學中心創始人師斌Shi Bin, founder of MEDIPERT SLEEP MEDICINE CENTER