中德建筑設計咨詢(青島)有限公司是由德國歐博邁亞控股有限公司和中德聯合集團有限公司于2015年1月26日正式成立的中外合資企業,總投資為600萬元人民幣,注冊資本為600萬元人民幣,其中,歐博邁亞控股有限公司出資額占51%,中德聯合集團有限公司出資額占49%。經營范圍為建筑設計咨詢、工程機電設計咨詢。SG Architecture Engineering Design(Qingdao) Co., Ltd. was a Sino-foreign joint venture, founded by ObermeyerHolding GmbH, Germany and Sino-German United Group together on January 26th,2015. Its total investment is 6 million RMB and the registered capital is also6 million RMB. Among it, Obermeyer Holding GmbH accounts for 51%Sino-German United Group accounts for 49%. Our business scope is the designingand consulting services of architecture, MEP