Company is located in Taida Science Park, Tianjin city, China公司坐落于中國天津泰達科技園區(qū);Company was established in 2003, with ~50 employees公司成立于2003年, 現有~50名擁有各種專業(yè)技術的員工;We are providing the service in the field of machining, Fab automation, parts cleaning and overhaul for our customer in display, semiconductor and other industry area我們竭誠為在半導體,平面顯示以及其他領域的客戶提供:自動化改造,零備件的機加工,清洗和翻新等;Company has the completely machining line, quality control and R&D lab;公司配備有各類CNC機床,質量檢測和研發(fā)設施;Our customers are mainly in Display, Semi-conductor, Solar industry;客戶群分布于半導體和平板顯示和高科技產業(yè)領域;We take customer’s demand as orientation, provide high quality products and service, seeking for total customer satisfaction;公司以客戶為中心, 提供高質量的產品, 滿意的服務;