帶著國際的居室取暖產品——23℃生態地暖,武漢賽洋暖通設備有限公司于2004年7月正式落戶中國光谷-武漢,步入了開創中國采暖新時尚的軌道。本公司是一家專業從事室內采暖材料研發、生產、銷售為一體的綜合性采暖公司,公司集業內眾多專業人士,先進的技術優勢,研發科學,合理的生態地暖片,讓您在冬日的家中享受陽光的溫暖,健康“家”溫暖——貼心關愛您的冬日生活。公司秉承“綠色環保企業”的行業定位,遵循 “以人為本,以技術為核心”的企業文化,樹立“舒適、健康、環保、節能”的品牌形象。高質量滿足您的需求是我們的永恒的承諾,做中國具責任感的企業。Company profileWith the world's leading home heating product - 23 ℃ ecological floor heating, Wuhan Sunnor Warming Co. Ltd. Was formally founded in GuangGu, WuHan in July, 2004. Then, WuHan greets a new fashion era of the heating system.The Company is a professional, integrated indoor heating supplier engaged in researching and designing, production and selling. It commits to provide sunny warmth for families with advanced technology and professional team.With the registration of “Environmental”, the company adheres to eatablish a “health、comfort、environmental, energy saving” image. We firmly believe that customer’s intrests are the base of our survival. Satisfying you with high-quality is our eternal commitment. We are in the pursuit of being the most responsible enterprise.聯系電話:027-87596888