公司簡介Company Introduction凱希能源科技(北京)有限公司由韓國凱希環保有限公司投資組建,其注冊資本為 5000萬元人民幣,總部位于北京市中關村高新科技園區。KC EnergyTechnology(Beijing) Co., Ltd was established by the investment of KC CottrellCo., Ltd. It is located in Zhongguancun High-tech Zone and the registeredcapital is 50 million Yuan. 公司擁有突出的產業優勢。立足于中國蓬勃發展的環保市場,以公司豐富的產業資源、韓國凱希公司先進的環保技術為基礎,以不斷滿足提升的中國環保標準為目標,進行新型環保技術的研究、推廣和應用,致力于發展成為中國環保行業知名的高新技術公司。公司將在深耕中國市場的基礎上,把業務進一步輻射至東亞,南亞,東南亞等地區。The companyhas outstanding industrial advantages and sets foothold on the boomingenvironmental protection industry. KC Energy Technology Co., Ltd takes the richindustrial resources and advanced environmental protection technologies of KCCottrell, Korea as it basis. The company committed to become a first classwell-known high-tech leader in the environmental protection industry of China,it targets on satisfying the higher environmental protection standard and makesefforts in the research& development, promotion and application of newenvironment technologies. Based on its strenuous cultivation of marketing inChina, the company will further develop its business in East Asia, South Asia and South EastAsia.公司的發展戰略目標是:利用先進的**脫硫技術、脫硝技術、布袋除塵技術、電除塵技術、濕式電除塵技術和污染物一體化脫除技術,構建工程、運營、產品三位一體的產業發展格局,打造技術、業績優異的“一攬子解決方案”的綜合服務商。Thecompany's strategic goal is to become a provider of "packagesolutions" by utilizing high-efficiency DeSOx, DeNOx, Fabirc Filter,Electrostatic Precipitator(ESP), Wet ESP and integrated pollution controltechnologies in its EPC, operation and product distribution. 凱希能源科技(北京)有限公司擁有蓬勃的生命力,準確的市場定位,的專業團隊以及先進的專有技術,通過與韓國首爾總部及英國、美國、印度和越南等**各關聯公司合作,利用地域及資源整合優勢向國外提供環保設備及相關服務,為環保事業發展貢獻力量。 KCEnergy Technology(Beijing) Co., Ltd has vigorous vitality, precise marketpositioning and excellent professional team and advanced specializedtechnologies. To make outstanding contributions in the development ofenvironmental protection, we can provide equipments and services oninternational market through the cooperation with our global network system andresources from headquarters in Seoul, Korea and affiliated companies in UK,USA, India and Vietnam, etc..