??高格商務是國內的商務辦公服務平臺,致力于為具有中國品格的企業提供**的辦公服務,同時為企業提供經營過程中的行政、人力資源、法務、財務、品牌設計等后勤外包服務,高格努力讓企業辦公更簡單、成本更低。Goger?business is a leader?in the?business office services platform, Committed to provide efficient office services?for enterprises with Chinese character , At the same time ,provide enterprises?services?including human resources, legal, financial, brand design, Goger make?business offices?easier, the cost is lower.高格總部設在南京,并已在杭州、蘇州、上海、深圳等城市成立分公司,同時于合肥、武漢、成都等城市開展業務,通過不同城市的業務開展,不斷滿足成長型企業在外地城市拓展過程中對商務辦公的需求,從戰略高度為客戶創造更大價值。Goger?headquartered in Nanjing, and has set up?branch?in Hangzhou, Suzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen and develop the business in Hefei, Wuhan, Chengdu.?Through different city business, constantly meet?the demand?of the growing enterprise?in the process of foreign cities expanding?, Help?to create greater value for our customers.經過多年的積累,高格已成功在全國各地運營了近30萬平方米的商務辦公空間,積累約3000家合作品牌公司。After years of accumulation, Goger?has successfully operated nearly 300,000 square meters of business office space throughout the country and accumulated about 3,000 cooperative brand companies.高格商務旗下核心產品:高格商務中心以全新的共享理念解決傳統的寫字樓成本高、體驗差的缺點。傾心打造**并富有溫度的行政接待區、會議室、咖啡廳、健身房等共享空間,全面提高企業辦公體驗,同時相比較傳統的寫字樓節約40%的運營成本,讓企業無壓力經營。The core products of goger?business: Goger?business center solves the problem ?of high building cost and poor experience with a new concept of sharing.Building efficient and temperature?offices including?reception area, conference room, coffee shop, gym and other Sharing?space, improve enterprise ‘s work experience, at the same time,?to save 40% of operating costs, make enterprise operate without pressure.