亞潔能資本是一家清潔能源供應商,香港總部于2007年設立,由一支國際化的技術及商務團體組成;我們通過投資、設計、建造和運營光伏發電系統、地源熱泵系統等可再生清潔能源系統,向建筑物和工業生產提供更穩定、更**、更綠色的能源服務;亞潔能資本已成功為眾多世界知名企業建設了大規模的清潔能源示范項目。?亞潔能資本有限公司是一家朝氣蓬勃的企業,我們以積極進取的心態面對發展過程中的所有挑戰。我們的員工為共同的愿景努力的同時,也獲得了與其績效和貢獻對等的職位提升。亞潔能資本始終鼓勵我們的團隊成員不斷探索與創新,打破思維定勢,以全新的思維和視角去看待和解決問題。隨著中國新能源產業的飛速發展,亞洲潔能資本也在快速發展,我們正在尋找同樣熱衷于綠色能源事業、勇于接受挑戰的新成員。如果你是,請聯系我們。?Below please find the brief introduction of ACC:Founded in 2007 in Hong Kong, Asia Clean Capital (ACC) is a clean energy provider managed by a team of engineers and business executives with extensive experience in China and internationally.ACC finances, designs, constructs, and operates the renewable energy systems using our core renewable clean energy technologies, including Solar PV and Ground Source Heat Pumps, and provides stable, high efficiency, and environmentally friendly Green utilities to buildings and production lines.ACC has successfully completed projects for many of the world’s leading multinational corporations.?ACC is a face-paced dynamic workplace that fosters an entrepreneurial can-do attitude. Employees are promoted based on performance, drive, and passion for the company vision.ACC believes in supporting our team members by empowering them to take risks, come up with new ideas, think outside the box, and approach old problems from a fresh perspective.As a fast-growing company in one of China’s hottest business sectors, ACC is always looking for new talent. If you feel passionate about sustainability and relish the challenge of working hard on the world’s important challenges, please contact us.