中國安民科技產業集團股份有限公司(以下簡稱“安民集團”)是一家專業從事高科技產品集研發、生產、銷售于一體的以高精技術開發為主要支點的科技型企業,是我國自主研發救援逃生設備的開拓者,立志為國家,為行業設立標桿,成為促進國家救援逃生及應急產業發展的先驅者。???????安民集團成立于2008年,總部位于遼寧省素有“東方魯爾”美譽的沈陽市。集團注冊資金肆億零叁佰柒拾肆萬捌千元人民幣,先后在北京、上海、廣州、深圳、澳門及加拿大等區域設立銷售公司及辦事機構。集團已于2015年7月在深圳股票交易所成功掛牌上市。集團立足于社會需求,開發了救生、逃生、反恐系列等實用民生設備,在實踐救民于水火的同時反饋回了大量的贊頌與榮譽。集結所有研發人員智慧的智能高層無電緩降逃生艙及睿速刻智能逃生背包,更是在全國獲得了大量關注,更榮獲了ISO9001質量管理體系的認證、國家消防總局的檢測合格認證及國際知識產權局的PCT認證,實現了中國夢——**檢索無同類產品的殊榮。安民集團用人機制嚴格執行智者有位,庸者無位,無能者讓位的原則,讓每一位員工,成為企業的資產。集團以振興民族救援消防產業為己任,多年來堅定不移地立足于科技創新、科技以人為本的理念,注重產品質量和誠信,形成了非常完善的研發、制造、裝配、檢測體系的團隊,并保持在國際同行業地位。我們將團結、進取、求實地打造**救援產業**品牌。安民集團,與您攜手共贏未來!?ANMIN TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY GROUP OF CHINA is a high and new technology development and innovation of the whole industry chain of high-tech companies. Group ?was founded ?in 2008,the registered ?capital of one hundred million Yuan , the group headquarters ?set up in Beijing ,research ?and development ?production ?base is located in Shenyang ,To rely on , respectively ,in Shanghai, Shenzhen ,Hangzhou, ?Macau ?and established marketing office in Canada.At present, the group in high-rise building fire rescue and disaster risk aversion and other high-tech product ?research and development ,manufacturing ,sales and service, and ?fill the blank of the industry market, the group on comprehensive rescue strategy ?layout ?,maintained a steady and efficient ?development ?,has become the international quality of national enterprises.Our team has many international ?talents ,who have rich experience in ?rescue ?equipments study ,analysis and realization ,Our company acquired the certification of ISO9001 international quality management system in 2014,and we have plenty of major scientific and technological achievements, leading the core technology area around the world.Our innovations never stop and we always believe the culture of “People-oriented science and technology ” . We are devoted to develop new technology , product and service to make our future safer and better!