寰泰能源股份有限公司(寰泰能源)是一家專注于綠色能源投資、開發、建設和運維的國際化公司,總部設在中國上海。在“光伏發電、風力發電、水力發電”等領域,寰泰能源具有資本、技術、設備和人才等全產業鏈優勢,致力于成為**的綠色能源解決方案提供商。寰泰能源秉持穩中求進的發展模式,持之以恒地貫徹“**布局、世界;綠色發展、生態友好;穩健經營、以人為本;合作共贏、利益共享”的經營理念。目前,公司凈資產逾40億元(人民幣,下同),已相繼在俄羅斯、哈薩克斯坦、美國、加拿大、尼泊爾等國家開拓業務,以及在中國的香港特區?內蒙古?遼寧?浙江?江蘇等地設立了子公司或分支機構?預計到2020年,公司總投資額將達到200億元,實現持有清潔能源電站2000兆瓦?寰泰能源是一家志存高遠、朝氣蓬勃、實力雄厚的年輕公司,殷切期望天下英才與我們攜手,共同開啟為人類和地球尋找綠色動力的非凡之旅。?Universal Energy Co., Ltd. (UE) is specializedin the investment, development, construction, and O&M of green energyprojects, headquartered in Shanghai, China. As an international company, UE isdedicated to becoming a world leading provider of green energy solutions byleveraging our advantages in various aspects of the whole industry, such ascapital, technologies, equipment and human resources in photovoltaic, wind, andhydroelectric power generation. Following a development model of seeking stableprogress, UE has consistently practiced its business philosophy to “lead theworld with global presence, facilitate eco-friendly green development, operatestably to benefit our people, and promote win-win cooperation for sharedinterests.” As of now, UE has net assets of RMB 4 billion and have successivelyentered the overseas markets of Russia, Kazakhstan, USA, Canada, Nepal, etc.Domestically, subsidiaries and branches have also been established in the HongKong Special Administrative Region, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, LiaoningProvince, Zhejiang Province, and Jiangsu Province. It’s estimated that by 2020,UE will hold a total investment of RMB 20 billion as well as 2 GW of cleanelectricity capacity. UE is a young but ambitious, promising and resourcefulcompany, welcoming distinguished talents from across the world to jointlyembark on the extraordinary journey of powering the globe with green energies.