青島鉛筆頭商貿有限公司? ? 我公司專注于塑料包材產品的生產和出口多年之久,隨著工廠設備的不斷完善,和產品技術的不斷提高,在國際塑料包裝瓶行業已有很好的知名度。因為走在國際市場,不斷地創新,使公司成功占據了更多的市場。良好的文化企業,使得整個公司擁有健康向上的工作氛圍和努力團結的工作團隊。期待有識之士加盟共創美好明天!? ? 公司提供 季度勞保、帶薪休假、節日福利、繳納保險、雙獎金加提成、生日福利、每年兩次旅游(已經去了泰新馬、張家界、壩上草原、云南、海南、杭州西湖等等、今年7月8號去韓國旅游。)our company has been specialized in producing plastic dropper bottle and glass bottles.We are committed to producing quality plastic bottle and glass bottles for the eliquid and cosmetic industries. Our annual output is 200 million pieces of products. Our product ranges include PE dropper bottles,PET dropper bottles,glass Essential oil bottle, glass tubular bottleand special glass bottles. We have 9 production lines, 12 workshops and 20 assembling lines, ensuring our capability of supplying glass bottles to different customers from all over the world.?Our company has adopted fully automatic production lines. Our production of both dropper bottle and glass bottles based on our innovative process and ISO Quality Control System.?On this occasion, we sincerely welcome you to our factory for visit, inspection and cooperation!