前身 Predecessor?將來網成立于2015年,是由水處理行業資深,聯合IT及數據專業人事發起;前身為上海弘勵科技有限公司,自1996年起,為國內外水處理及環境行業提供專業的產品貿易、代理服務及工程制造。?JLW was founded in 2015 by experienced & professional people in water treatment, IT and data processing area, which grew out of Shanghai HongLi Technology Co., Ltd. - a professional domestic & international trading, brand agent and engineering service company in industrial water treatment & environment protection industry since 1996.?愿景 Vision?我們旨在發展成為一個具有專業環保及綜合數據處理能力的線上環保領域的B2B平臺,以提高產品貿易的效率及效能,從而降低環保行業的各類成本,從而給下一代提供更好的生活環境。?We are aim at setting up an online B2B platform with professional background and comprehensive data processing ability in water-treatment & environmental industry, which can reduce the various cost via increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of trading behavior and thus provide a better living environment for our next generation.?由于超過70%以上的環保企業集中中國東海岸地區,因此將來網目前主要市場集中在此。?The major marketing region of JLW is distributed on East coast of China due to the fact over 70% industrial companies locate in this region.?目前將來網除了上海總部以外還建立了以下分部:?Till now, JLW has its Headquarter in Shanghai & three branch:??北京·Beijing? ? ? 廣州·Guangzhou ? ? ?武漢·Wuhan?未來我們將會逐步開拓海外市場,以滿足日益增加的國際貿易及國際技術交換需求。因此,在未來我們會將進一步在以下海外地區建立分站:?In the future, we will gradually explore oversea market to satisfy increasing global trading & technology exchange demands. We, thus, will establish oversea branch in following country:?美國·American澳大利亞·Australian德國·Germany?線上采購 Online Procurement?我們提供便捷的線上采購服務以及代理采購業務,用戶可以非常簡單的通過我們的平臺完成訂單及詢價流程;并且通過我們的Hub & Spoke供應鏈渠道集中進行采購,降低采購價格。?We provide procurement and agent procurement service online, people can easily order/get quotation via our website. Furthermore, procurement cost might be reduced by using our Hub & Spoke supply chain mode.??線上云服務 Oline SaaS?在不久的未來將來網將會陸續開發&開放一系列的線上云SaaS服務,幫助中小企業更簡單的實現商業數據化。Soon, JLW will develop & open a series of online SaaS service gradually to help small-medium company achieve data commercialization easier.