上海永明印務有限公司成立于1999年,位于國際金融中心上海,是一家專業生產食品、藥品、 日化、 工業、 電子等塑料軟包裝膜(袋)的現代化企業。公司占地面積達1萬余平方米,江蘇二期2萬平方的生產基地將于2017年底竣工。公司現有員工 300余人,其中印刷技術工程師約40多人。公司現配有20多條先進的生產線,其中包括9色、10色高速印刷機,進口高速無溶劑復合機,高速多功能分切機, 全自動制袋機等先進設備。 經過多年的學習,拼搏,進取,目前永明公司已取得了多項包裝材料QS生產許可證,通過了ISO9001:2008質量管理體系、ISO4001:2004環境管理體系認證,為客戶提供可靠的質量和安全保證。永明人將一如既往的堅持走科技、創新的道路,為客戶提供優質,環保的產品。公司產品已遠銷國內外20多個國家和地區,我們的主要市場是中國,歐洲,南美,東南亞, 非洲等。永明公司將本著“誠信,創新,責任”的原則,愿和各界朋友通力合作,真誠歡迎您的光臨和指導!Shanghai Yongming Printing Co.,LTD, built in 1999, is a professional manufacturer of soft packaging bag/laminated films in food, medicines,daily supplies, industries, electrics and so on,which is located in international financial center-Shanghai.It covers an area of over 10,000 sqms. At the same time, the second ?project of 20,000 sqms will be finished at 2017. Now, there are more than 300 workers in our factory and 40 of them are technical?engineers. We have more than 20 production lines, including 9/10 colors printing machines, imported high-speed solventless laminator machine, the multi-function cutting machine, automatic bag making machine and other advanced equipments. Through study, stuggle, forging of tens of years, Yongming has passed QS production licence of many packaging materials: ISO9001、ISO4001, which provide liable assurance of quality and safety.Yongming insist on developing the way of science and technology, creatioand providing ?high quality ?and eco-friendly products. Our products have been sold to more than 20 countries and domestic and overseas areas. China, Europe, South-America, Southeast Asia, Africa are our main markets.?Yongming will obey the principle of honesty, innovation, responsibily。We are willing to cooperate with all of you and welcome you visit with our hottest warm