莎斯特, 世界的實驗室和醫療設備供應商之一。公司開發、生產并銷售在醫學和科研領域的設備及耗材。公司自1961年成立以來持續增長,現已擁有2500名員工。莎斯特集團設有31個銷售機構,并且在歐洲、北美和澳大利亞建有13個生產基地。公司總部設在德國北威州的寧布雷希特。莎斯特的產品被各類實驗室(如:大學研究,**化學,生物技術和食品加工),診所和血液中心使用。作為一家**供應商,莎斯特提供了非常廣泛的產品組合,可分為五個基本類別:診斷,實驗室,診所,輸血與實驗室自動化。莎斯特(上海)貿易有限公司自2009年成立以來不斷快速增長。主要致力于為工業客戶,醫療機構和血站提供產品及解決方案。 官網:www.sarstedt Email: info@sarstedt 公司地址:上海市浦東大道555號裕景國際商務廣場B座2003室 200120Companyprofile of Sarstedt AG & Co and Sarstedt (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd Sarstedt,one of the world’s leading providers of laboratory and medical equipment,develops manufactures and sells equipment and consumables in the field ofmedicine and science. Foundedin 1961, the company has continued to grow to the point where it now employs aworkforce of 2,500. The Sarstedt Group comprises 31 sales organizations and 13production sites in Europe, North America and Australia. The company’sheadquarters are in North Rhine-Westphalia, Nuembrecht, Germany. Sarstedt products are used in a wide variety oflaboratories (e.g. university research, clinical chemistry, biotechnology andfood processing), clinics and transfusion centres. As a global provider, Sarstedt offers an exceptionallybroad product portfolio, which can be divided into five basic categories: diagnostics,laboratories, clinics, transfusion and laboratory automation Establishedin 2009, Sarstedt (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd keeps on growing rapidly. Themain focus is on providing solutions and products for industrial customers andtheir productions as well as for medical institutions and blood banks.