FEW MODA**快時尚買手品牌2014年成立于紐約,網站www.fewmoda面向**銷售。作為電商創業型公司,已獲得國內多名知名投資人天使輪投資。FEW MODA是個年輕的創業團隊,目前網站主營女裝及飾品,并與**多家電商平臺深度合作,有著靈活的管理制度和迅速發展的前景,紐約工作室和中國工作室歡迎有想法的年輕人加入我們。Few Moda is an international wholesale online Marketplace for the classy and chic. Few Moda integrates brand designers and emerging designers with global manufacturing resources to bring the best fashion products to the style-savvy retailors, department stores and other partner distribution channels. We are a curated woman apparel sourcing and distributing platform. Our crew has traveled all over the world, including Dubai, Madrid, Istanbul, Hong Kong, and Beirut, to discover a new world of fashion and lifestyle. Through our travels, we exclusively met with designers and manufacturing companies to expose our new discoveries in men and women’s fashion, bridal wear and lifestyle products to the style-savvy customer at their fingertips. Our services: If you want wholesale fashion items like apparel and accessories: We offer curated fashion products from emerging designers and brand designers to bring trending items to your style-savvy stores. www.fewmoda If you want to manufacture your products: We provide manufacturing resources to any brand, wholesaler, and designer at competitive prices, unrivaled quality, and reliable delivery. For more information, Contact our Account Manager: info@fewmoda If you want to sell your products: We provide our clients with top distribution channels in world’s biggest consumer markets like US and China through our own platforms and on-line platforms that have strategic partnership with us. For more information, Contact our Account Manager: info@fewmoda