荷蘭騎士(Ridder)集團Ridder和HortiMaX隸屬于荷蘭騎士(Ridder)集團。使命: “支持溫室種植者通過對生長技術和行業合作伙伴的***配合來改進結果”持續創新**種植方案60年騎士(Ridder)驅動系統公司是**農業領域傳動系統的市場領導者。赫邁斯(HortiMaX)自控系統公司開發并生產經濟實惠的園藝解決方案,主要分為以下幾個方面:過程自動化(過程控制計算機:氣候、能源和水)植物監測灌溉解決方案消毒解決方案管理解決方案(人工和生產率)**種植解決方案騎士(Ridder)驅動系統公司研發、生產和營銷全套電動機械驅動系統,主要用于農業領域的通風口、幕簾、翻轉窗、加熱和進料管線的移動。我們在**范圍內運營,是市場的領跑者,同時在產品創新、可靠性和服務領域占據地位。我們注重可持續發展與合作,我們的業務核心在于為顧客和產品使用者創造附加值。赫邁斯(HortiMaX)自控系統公司為專業園藝產業領域的顧客提供智能、創新、簡便的全套解決方案,提高顧客的生產效率。我們的適應性溫室種植技術體現了每種作物、每種氣候、每個區域、每個溫室,都有適合各自情況的自動化方案。我們很自豪的宣布,我們剛慶祝了集團成立60周年。2011年,集團新增了赫邁斯(HortiMaX),以便整合知識和資源,以全套綜合的溫室技術更好的服務于供應商和種植者。我們通過將在氣候控制、控制工程和傳動技術領域的知識和經驗結合,提供更好、更具創新性、經濟實惠的系統。合作在嚴重分化的園藝領域,合作關系至關重要。整合實力,有效地進行市場聯合開發勢在必行。在世界各地,我們與溫室建造商和供應商緊密合作,或者進行企業聯合,這成為為海外客戶提供整體解決方案的保證。騎士集團 - 中國公司-騎士(上海)農業技術有限公司為了給您提供好的產品與服務,我們在上海開始設立辦公室和裝配倉庫,將我們的技術和您的需求整合與匹配,同時與合作伙伴協同合作,保證了快速的發貨與服務。RIDDER ENMission Ridder Group (Ridder – HortiMaX)“Support greenhouse growers to achieve better results through best fit growing technology together with our partners in the industry”60 years of innovation in global growing solutionsRidder Drive Systems is the worldwide market leader in drive systems for the agricultural sector. HortiMaX develops and produces affordable horticultural solutions divided in several groups:* Process automation (process computers: climate, energy and water)* Plant Monitoring* Irrigation Solutions* Disinfection Solutions* Management Solutions (labor and productivity)* Global Growing SolutionsRidder Drive Systems and HortiMaX are part of the Ridder Group, and are proud to announce that we just celebrated our 60th anniversary. In 2011, HortiMaX was added to the Group in order to integrate knowledge and resources and to better serve suppliers and growers by offering a complete range of integrated greenhouse technology.Combining our knowledge and experience in climate control, control engineering and drive technology allows us to supply even better and more innovative and affordable systems.RidderRidder Drive System develops, produces and markets a complete range of electro-mechanical drive systems for the motion of air vents, screens, flaps, heating and feed lines, primarily in the agricultural sector. We operate worldwide as the leading player in the market, and we stand out thanks to our product innovation, reliability and service. Our focus is on sustainable growth and cooperation, with added value for our customers and users at the core of our business.HortiMaXHortiMaX enables customers to achieve a higher efficiency by offering them intelligent, innovative and user-friendly total solutions for the professional horticultural industry. Our Adaptive Greenhouse Growing Technology stands for the view that every crop, every climate, every region and every greenhouse has its own optimum automation solution.CooperationCooperation is absolutely essential within the extremely fragmented horticultural sector. It is therefore imperative that we bundle our strengths and work together to develop markets efficiently. Worldwide, we closely work together with greenhouse builders and suppliers, or are part of consortia of companies. This enables us to provide customers abroad with an integrated solution.Customer satisfactionAs a company committed to customer satisfaction, we pride ourselves on building long-term relationships with our customers. That is why we offer extensive customer support, so you will get the most out of your HortiMaX product.Ridder HortiMaX ChinaIn order to deliver the best products and services to you, we are now setting up our Shanghai office with our own warehouse and assembly so we can adapt our technology to your specific needs, and ensure fast delivery and services together with our partners.