新 航 道 國 際 教 育 集 團(NEW CHANNEL INTERNATIONALEDUCATION GROUP LIMITED)由中國著名英語教育與教學管理胡敏教授率領一批國內外教育精英及學者共同創辦于2004年,國際數據集團(IDG)(美國)和Kaplan國際教育集團(美國)參與戰略投資。 “新航道”三個字源于胡敏教授創辦機構時對其二十一年教育實踐的總結, 下決心在大學的 “廟堂英語” 和培訓機構的 “江湖英語”之間開辟語言教育的新航道。新航道國際教育集團恪守“奮斗成就夢想” 的核心價值觀, 堅持 “高能高分” 的教育理念, 立志“做**的教育機構”,幫助中國學子和家庭實現更美好的人生。New Channel International Education Group was founded in 2004 by a group of elite Chinese and foreign language trainers and expert academics, led by English Language Education and Academic Management expert Hu Min. New Channel is an international language education institution that has received strategic investment from the International Data Group and Kaplan. The brand "New Channel" originated from the accumulation of Hu Min's twenty-one years of teaching experience. Hu Min was determined to pioneer a "New Channel" of language education between Chinese colleges at English Language Education and Social English training. New Channel has been keeping to its core value "Hard work makes dreams come true." persisting in the education philosophy of "Better English, Higher Score", and striving to be a global top educational institution, thereby helping Chinese students and their families to make life better.