Founded in 1984, today GIV is the largest wine company in Italy and Europeand among the first 10 wine company in the world.Its unique entity in international wine business lies in the ability of combiningthe structure of small organization together with the advantages of bigcompany.From the vineyards to the bottling line, from the harvest to the customizedmarketing strategy, from the specialized commercial organization to thelogistic services, each bottle bottled by GIV follows a meticulous carethroughout the production chain.GIV成立于1984年,是意大利及歐洲**、世界排名前十位的葡萄酒生產商。GIV在國際葡萄酒業的成就得益于其獨特的公司架構,將各具特色的酒莊結合在一起,以集團化的運作充分建立大公司的優勢。從葡萄園到灌裝線,從采收到個性化市場戰略,從專業銷售機構到物流服務,GIV出產的每一瓶酒都嚴格遵循一絲不茍的生產鏈管理。意大利GIV酒莊集團旗下擁有15家歷史悠久、聲望卓著的酒莊,分布于11個不同的產區。集團自有的葡萄園分布廣泛,北至阿爾卑斯山,南至西西里島,出產著當地優質、獨特的葡萄品種,在世界上任何其他的葡萄酒生產國都難覓蹤跡。www.givitaly/