??新澤富尚(北京)資產管理有限公司(富尚資產)成立于2004年,注冊資金人民幣5000萬元。中國證券基金協會備案私募基金管理機構。公司自成立以來,一直秉承“誠信、專業、**、服務”的投資理念,專注于中國大陸境內優質資產投資,其主要負責人具有資深的金融、地產、貿易、農業及高新技術產業運作背景,具備豐富的企業管理和投資運作經驗,為旗下基金的合理化運作保駕護航。目前公司業務涵蓋股權投資、債權融資和投行業務,旗下主要產品包括科技園區地產專項基金、供應鏈專項基金、投行服務和直接投資業務。公司具有境內外融資渠道及完善的結匯通道,可利用資金對接專項基金產品。2014年公司管理外匯資金規模3億美金,境內募集管理人民幣資金規模10億。2015年公司還將在電視傳媒、奢侈珠寶、海外地產、現代農牧業等諸多領域進行大規模投資。“立足本地,放眼**”,公司始終以堅實的專業能力、豐富的管理經驗以及發達的業務網絡,為客戶提供業界的投資管理服務,助力中國乃至**經濟,攜手企業共同成長,與您共享成功。公司網址:www.fszc-chinaAbout Up-Fortune:Up-Fortune (Beijing) Asset Management Co., ltd was founded in 2004 with registered capital of 500 million CNY. It is a PE fund management firm which is put on record of Asset Management Association of China. Up-Fortune is committed to “integrity, expertise, effectiveness, service” in investment business since its establishment, and focuses on investing in high quality project. With prominent background in finance, real-estate, trade, agriculture, high-tech industry and remarkable expertise in investment, the management team will provide perfect operation and escort to its asset.Its business now includes equity investment, debt financing, and investment banking business. Its product includes special fund in High-tech industrial park, supply-chain fund, investment banking service and direct investment service.With its convenient international financing channel and exchange settlement, Up-Fortune can easily bridge overseas investment and domestic fund product. In 2014, Up-Fortune had 0.3 billion USD from overseas and 1 billion CNY from home under its management.In 2015, Up-Fortune is expected to invest vastly in TV media, high end jewelry, overseas real-estate, modern agriculture and animal husbandry. The amount is expected to reach XXXXXXXXX“Take roots in China, and cast our sight to the world.” Based on robust expertise, extensive management experience, developed network, Up-Fortune, will consistently provide its clients with the world first class investment management service, do its part in improving Chinese and the world’s economy, grow with other prominent Companies, and share achievement together.