Wisdom International Education Group (WIEG) is a premier Montessori education group committed to quality education in ChinaWIEG’s schools include:The International Montessori School of Beijing (MSB) which was established in 1990 and serves expatriate children. MSB is the only school oering Montessori kindergarten and elementary level in Beijing. Jiade Montessori Bilingual Kindergarten (JDM) which oers a program combining Chinese culture with an international blend a high quality international faculty team.International Montessori Teaching Institute (IMTI) which oers the Early Childhood Montessori Teaching Training in April, July and October. This course is aliated with the American Montessori Society (AMS) and is accredited by the Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (MACTE) and is internationally recognized. IMTI provides our schools with high quality Montessori teachers to support the growth and development of Montessori education in China along with many private Montessori and International schools throughout China and overseas.The Wisdom International Education Group (WIEG) has been working to deliver the highest quality international education. Interested candidates are invited to email a cover letter, resume and references to:hr@wisdomeg 威德國際教育集團作為的蒙臺梭利教育機構,自于北京成立以來一直致力成為優質教育的提供者。蒙臺梭利教學法的教育理念已積淀了百年歷史,威德國際教育集團創辦的**所“北京蒙臺梭利國際學校”(簡稱MSB)作為中國首家被國際蒙臺梭利協會認可的蒙臺梭利教育國際學校,為居住在京的外籍人士提供蒙臺梭利教育服務達二十年之久,并贏得了“教育提供者”的美譽。二十年來,從北京蒙臺梭利國際學校畢業的外籍學生已超過四千人,目前這些畢業學生就讀于牛津大學、愛丁堡大學、布朗大學、美國西北大學、肯特大學、衛斯理學院等**各大知名院校。 如今威德國際教育集團旗下在北京已擁有兩所國際學校、兩所國內雙語幼兒園以及一所專業的蒙臺梭利教師培訓中心。自二零一一年始,威德國際教育集團憑借堅實的專業基礎,雄厚的資金實力,將推廣蒙臺梭利教育讓更多的中國孩子受益于優質教育為己任,向中國的其他主要城市拓展,包括上海、蘇州、成都以及大連。 如今威德國際教育集團旗下在北京已擁有兩所國際學校、兩所國內雙語幼兒園以及一所專業的蒙臺梭利教師培訓中心。詳情請登錄公司網站www.wisdomeg