昊鼎衛浴是一家集開發,設計,生產,銷唐于一體的大型衛浴潔具生產企業,本企業運用先進科學管理制度,不斷探索,勇于創新,以“誠信贏得信譽,質量創造品牌”作為發展宗旨,以“質量為**,服務為客戶”作為生產經營理念,經國家有關技術部門鑒定,各項技木指標均符合國家標準。 我們本著高起點,高要求,高層次的發展標準,引進國際先進的生產設備和技術,采用優質材料,運用精湛的生產工藝和嚴格的質量管理,力求生產的每款產品都盡善盡美,本企業秉承“質量成就名牌,誠信鑄就未來”的經營理念及完善的售后服務,贏得廣大客戶的信賴,產品暢銷全國各大中城市。 昊鼎衛浴長期以穩定的質量和穩定的生產能力,贏得海內外客戶的信賴,竭誠歡迎海內外客商擬作為攜手合作,共謀發展。
We are a collection development, design, production, sales in the integration
of large-scale sanitary ware production enterprises. This enterprise use of advancedscientific management system, and continuously explore, bold innovation. Withcreate brand integrity to win credibility, quality as tenet, with" quality first, servicefor customers"as the production management idea In conformity with the relevanttechnical department of the state identification, various technical indexes meet thenational standards
We in line with high starting point, high demand, high-level development
standards, the introduction of intemational advanced production equipment and
technology, using high quality materials, the use of exquisite production technologyand strict quality management, strive for the production of each product is perfe
We adhering to the "quality achievements brand, integrity cast the future"businessphilosophy and perfect after-sale service, win the trust of customers, products sellwell in all large and medium-sized cities throughout the country
This enterprise for a long time with stable quality and stable production capacity,
win the trust of customers at home and abroad. Welcome the clients at home andabroad for cooperation, and seek common development hand in hand