www.hanonsytemsBrief introduction of HanonSince its establishment in 1986 as the joint company of Ford Motor Company and Mando Corporation, Hanon has dedicated its efforts to the development and production of high-quality air-conditioning and heating systems for vehicles, driven by the true innovation of the Company’s proprietary technology.In recognition of its world-class technology and superior product quality,Hanon acquired the climate control operations of Visteon Corp., its parent company, in January 2013. HanonSystems is now well positioned to be a truly global leader in the automotive climate control sector on the strength of its extensive network of 35 production facilities, four R&D centers and seven customer centers in 19 countries around the world.In-Young Lee, president & CEO of Hanon, organized our businesses with strong customer focus and alignment of the business strategy to ensure a stable integration and even greater success in serving our customers.The affiliates of Hanon in China, the world’s largest automobile market, serve as a growth engine to strengthen our global network. The Chongqing affiliate was established in 2005 which is located in Economic and Technological Development Zone. There are over 250 people in Chongqing affiliate. Kim KS, general manager of Hanon-CQ, focuses on the quality of products, the service to customers and the welfare of employees.The vision of Hanon is to be the world’s greatest climate company and we aspire to further build on this to create sustainable relationships with shareholders, customers, suppliers and employees. Our organizational culture is rather unique with the Hanon Way transcending the different regions of Asia Pacific, the Americas and Europe.Our Objectives in 2014Excellent OrganizationDisciplined QualityDifferentiated TechnologyOur ValuesPeople, Customers, TechnologyPeople, Customers and Technology have been our corporate values since the company was founded in 1986. As a building block shaping the Hanon Way, these values define the way we conduct business and how we approach the various stakeholder groups around us.Hanon employees are proud to be part of an organization where people, whether customers, employees or suppliers, investors or media, are valued. By aligning the company’s approach to people and technology, it is believed that a true difference can be made.Operating PrinciplesCATS: Communication, Accountability, Transparency, SpeedWelcome to visit our website:www.hanonsystemsemail:lzhang41@hanonsystems翰昂汽車零部件(重慶)有限公司成立于2005年,主要生產汽車空調系統、汽車發動機冷卻模塊等產品。公司嚴格遵守國家法律規定為員工購買五險一金、支付加班工資、享受年假、高溫假,公司關心員工成長,注重團隊培養,定期舉辦職業技能競賽、組織團隊活動。這是一個友愛、積極、向上的團隊,熱情歡迎您的加盟!